Thursday, May 01, 2008

3 New Projects

First of all, I got hired at as an Assistant Web Programmer,
and the job is as I have expected: coding websites.

I got a chance to use and learn cool new script libraries such as jQuery,
and the job is pretty fun and the thrill of coding on the clock is just mind-blowing!! :)

The project development flow was pretty cool too. I am experiencing
real-life execution of website developing that includes powerpoint based
functionality overview by the producer, and getting the design by the designers,
and finally coding the entire thing by yours truly.

As a side project and to regurgitate what I have learned in terms of project management,
I hereby announce, to myself and whatever random people that will see this post,

3 Projects that I intend to finish within one year.

[1]: Music band site
My good friend Bang and I go a long way back, and that includes million what-ifs of
forming a band. Our dreams, even though we live in separate continents now, never
sorta phased out. I have my stockpile of lyrics, and he has his poems.

This will be like our 4th attempt at making something using the Internet, and this time
it will be something, as our school-years ended for the time being.

It will host a multi-genre band, comprised of me and .. Bang, with songs of Christian and secular.
We are both Christians, whether it's up to God and people if I am devout or not,
and personally for me what fuels my lyrics is all my relationship with God and His grace for
a hypocrite like me.

I'm excited and this will be a chance for me to use CSS/JS(jQuery)/Open Source tools for
web development,
and LINUX - based music production environment that I've always wanted to make an excuse
for learning :).

Ghetto - style music production setup in my dorm room.........using donated used laptops... more cool can this get!!?!

So, that's that and let's see where this goes!! ^.^

My friend from college and I thought this one up. I've lost him to a very rich and evil company

but hopefully he won't sell his soul there. haha.
Anyways, this is a social-team-based recruiting site where
employers will be looking for a "team", not an individual worker.

This is a new concept because what with the economy so bad as it is,
people will be pressured to outsource whatever things could be,
and those wanting their foot in the job-pool would want more protection,
and a team-based gig proposal, in my opinion is better than an individual.

... Plus it has that reality-zing to it. A website where.. new bonds among members are met..
and old bonds.. broken.

Anyways it's a site for Korean 20's in Korea. You'd think getting a job in the states is bad..
in Korea it's way worse than here. This will be sorta my charity work for Korea.

I'm still pondering whether I should code the whole thing or use Drupal.. I'm gonna have to
see if I really want to code everything by myself. And if by me, I'm gonna use CakePHP - as
people say that is pretty good for OOPHP programming, which I've always wanted to learn.

Hope I can get this baby off the ground soon. The idea was created 1 year ago already.

This is a concept I am working on, regarding stock infos and speculations. I would have more
to say if I have more concrete direction of the development but currently I'm stuck
by my lack of knowledge in Ruby.

I'll just say I am using Ruby and making it interact with the Internet ^___^;


So, that is that and I'll try to update faster from now on.. since I would like to see this blog
in high traffic as well.