Friday, November 10, 2006

[Segway Project] YAS: Yet Another Segway

This is another segway from my main goal of designing
a shoe shop for my dad's website (read past posts for more info)

I have this project in my mind.


I am going to start by thinking about the overall purpose
of the website, write them down, and, much like
formulating an essay back in high school, I will try to
gather the main concepts that I will have to focus on to
make this site a successful site.

This magazine I read offered me a view of how much
design can affect human behavior. I mean, sure what I am saying
is an inhuman thing to say - telling that design has huge
monetary values as compared to aesthetic values, but I think it's
true. Design isn't something people with a lot of money want
to do, nor is it only done by metrosexual people -
it drives the general population this way or other.

A website can tell do alot :
its functions are limitless, and it's also non-linear.
Non steady-state, and only a transform on paradigm can Web
be seen statistically.

Best thing you can do is start well, document everything.

I believe I diverted from why I'm writing this once again! Even from the point of this post!
haha ^^;

This post is about this:
A New attept at Web design:
Profiling Statement

This is a new attempt. A way in designing where, maybe people already do this, you first try to focus the group of general public that the site will focus on, by describing the group in any way possible - basically, creating a scrapbook of the general focus of the audience.

Sure you can put photos and stuff, even videotape the market population, etc, if you have time.
I am someone that is pretty much limited to where I can go, but I do have a couple of similar shops to the one I will make the website mall for, so I would have to go there and observe the people's behavior. It will be interesting - a new learning experience.

So, after the research is done, either by thought recollection or by actual foot research, you just try to describe the focus group with much detail as possible. That becomes the profiling statement. This is a springboard of ideas, inspirations, and is also a filter which would eliminate ideas that would seem interesting, and even challenging, but aren't pertinent to the statement.

The overall result would be a more streamlined process of development, all from brainstorming to the last maintenance patch jobs.

Isn't it an interesting concept?

I mean probably people in the advertising field or design firms already do it, for sure, but it's something that hit me today.

I was going to post what I have written so far about my segway project but my client - former roommate of mine - wanted to keep the site a secret so I won't.

I'll post them all in one concise post just like I did for my dad's website(see past post and you'll see what it is).

Thank you, come again.

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