Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2 years of UW use and finally cracked out how to use ANKI with UW

i don't have a lot of time so I'll write this in brief.
This method will make you use the Notes capability in UW,
import the Notes you made into Anki,
and review the heck out of it.

Yes, this is no traditional flashcard, as the cards that will be made by import will only have the front side. But repetition of reading is still studying. You can use you usual Anki settings to study the cards.

Programming tools:
 - you need to install python. Google search on how to do that.
 - install csvkit: http://csvkit.readthedocs.org/en/0.9.0/

copy this following to a file called 'list2csv.py':
import csv,csvkit, re

# 4-line program data: name, city/ST,'Family Medicine', ACGMEID, programID
# cSV format: ACGMEID,name, city,ST,  programID
csvout = open('notes.csv','wb')
writer = csvkit.CSVKitWriter(csvout, encoding='utf-8', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar="\\")

f = open('notes.txt')
cnt = 0
csvARR = []
for line in f:
    line = line.decode('utf-8-sig')
    i = cnt%4
    print str(i)+" : "+line.strip()
    if i == 3:
            csvline= '$'.join(csvARR)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
        csvARR = []
    cnt = cnt + 1
1. Now,  highlight/copy all the notes you made. Save it as 'notes.txt'
    - be careful: you can see that '$' is what I chose to split the data, because I never used '$' in any of my notes. Just search for '$' in the 'notes.txt' and see if you typed it ever. If you did, just choose any other character you never used (eg. '#', '@')
2. open up the command line to the directory that has both 'notes.txt' and 'list2csv.py'
3. type: 'python list2csv.py', which will make the file "notes.csv"
4. Open up Anki, create a new Deck.
5. File->Import and select that 'notes.csv'
6. Settings:
 - Type: Basic (I actually made another note type so it only has a front side but this also works)
 - 'Field is separated by' is $
 - You'll have 4 fields: Question ID, Main Division, Subdivision, Note. For Field 1 and 2, Change to 'discard field'.
 - Field 3 - you can just choose it as the 'Tag', so it's easy to sort out. (Hey, free tagging information!)
 - Field 4 - Change to 'Map to Front'
7. Click import, but double check the Deck is the Deck you want it imported to!!

Voila. I should've done this, instead of making amazing fill-in-the-blanks notes with UW data. Plus this is a vanilla legal way of using UW.


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