Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Example of using script/coding in normal life

I had to research medical schools right?
So I searched mdapplicants.com to get some profiles of my gpa and expected MCAT scores.

I envisioned using their applied school and make some sort of a list to use as a reference. So, I bookmarked some.. like 30 profiles. Hm... normally you would have to open up some sort of a notepad and write down all of the school that profile applied.. and then the next.. and then the next..

But then I was like "hey! I'm a CS major! I should weave programming into my life! Javscript should be second nature to me! I won't disgrace my major!"

So, instead of doing it by hand like normal sane people, I started off with an empty standard HTML file, only with the necessities like , tags, and linked to it my favorite Javascript library, jQuery.

And then I scraped the HTML tags of all the profile pages and dumped it inside a class-marked
tag of the HTML file.

Using jQuery, I targeted the tags that link to the school explanation pages, to scan for them and put those tags into an unordered list.

From there, I made another list to list only the unique schools, as most profiles usually apply to the usual schools. Turned out to be about 111 schools.

"Hey wait a second." I thought. "I could sort this alphabetically!" So I looked for a plugin for jQuery that sorts lists. Found one. Loaded it. And then a simple one line jQuery command. Boom. Sorted alphabetically.

I then scraped the AMCAS list of schools that accept Letter of Recommendation forwarding from AMCAS, and put in right next to the list of unique schools. Heck, I sorted that one too.

I spent the hour researching how to do this in Javascript. Hehehe.
I love circumventing easy menial tasks just to use programming/coding/scripting! But I'm so limited to using so few of languages that do this. I forgot Ruby, and maybe after applications I'll learn Python..

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