Sunday, June 09, 2013

Worthy of a post - Stable Matching for M3

Well, as a medical student, I don't have time for huge blog posts.

 3 days until my last exam as a M2.

M3 is the start of clinical setting learning. Bed side learning.
Our group needs to decide who goes into which group, for certain blocks.
Each block offers different specialties.
Me, I want to get into a certain Surgery ward. Others specifically want to go
to a certain hospital, OB/GYN, etc..

Resident matching to hospital uses the Stable Matching algorithm,
probably adjusted to be polyandrous.

Those guys who made the algorithm got a Nobel Prize in Economics.
I think the resident match using their matching had a lot to do with it.

Well, me being a CS major, and seeing how that algorithm will greatly fit our problem,
I started searching.. for code. Yes I'm a script kiddy. There's a reason I switched my career :O.

Anyways, I found one.

I also hacked away at a Google Spreadsheet to create a random example of a rotation selection situation.
Turns out their script engine is really powerful, and you can use the Google Apps to create
Forms, and pull/push data into whatever you want! Maybe I'll port my code into Google Script someday.

Without  further ado, here's my modified code. Amazing algorithm. Simple to understand, works like a charm :)
I know this won't be the only factor in setting a system for students to select who to go to where, but I think this'll greatly automate the sorting process, what our class reps probably would end up doing.

Update 30/03/2014: I've since done some modification to the code. All of it is now maintained in GitHub:

An edited source code.

Demo of Gale-Shapley stable marriage algorithm.
Original Code at:

What is changed by Seungjin Kim:
Edited to be in polyandry mode, by Seungjin Kim
Also accounts for special to special sub group matching. Special husbands can ONLY go into special wives.

Usage is:
   python  [studentsChoice] [sitesRank] [sitesCapacity] [b7Sites] [specStudentList]


   python  [studentsChoice] [sitesRank] [sitesCapacity] [b7Sites] [specStudentList] V

for verbose mode.  

and likewise for the womenfile, where there should be precisely same
number of men as with women, and the identifiers should be
self-consistent between the two files.

import sys

class Person:
    Represent a generic person
    def __init__(self,name,priorities):
        name is a string which uniquely identifies this person

        priorities is a list of strings which specifies a ranking of all
          potential partners, from best to worst
        """ = name
        self.priorities = priorities
        self.partner = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Name is ' + + '\n' + \
               'Partner is currently ' + str(self.partner) + '\n' + \
               'priority list is ' + str(self.priorities)

class Man(Person):
    Represents a man
    def __init__(self,name,priorities,specialList):
        name is a string which uniquely identifies this person

        priorities is a list of strings which specifies a ranking of all
          potential partners, from best to worst
        # flag if name matches name in specialList
        self.amSpecial = False
        for name in specialList:
            if == name:
                self.amSpecial = True
                print' is special'

        self.proposalIndex = 0                   # next person in our list to whom we might propose

    def nextProposal(self):
        goal = self.priorities[self.proposalIndex]
        self.proposalIndex += 1
        return goal

    def __repr__(self):
        return Person.__repr__(self) + '\n' + \
               'next proposal would be to ' + self.priorities[self.proposalIndex]

class Woman(Person):
    Represents a woman
    def __init__(self,name,priorities,husbandReq,specialList,specHubbyList):
        name is a string which uniquely identifies this person

        priorities is a list of strings which specifies a ranking of all
          potential partners, from best to worst
        # flag if name matches name in specialList
        self.amSpecial = False
        for name in specialList:
            if == name:
                self.amSpecial = True
                print' is special'
        self.specHubbyArr = specHubbyList #maintain list of hubbies that you need to take!!
        # now compute a reverse lookup for efficient candidate rating
        self.ranking = {}
        for rank in range(len(priorities)):
            self.ranking[priorities[rank]] = rank

    self.husbands = int(husbandReq) #will be populated by file

    self.husbandsArr = [] #limit by self.husbands. Array of int that are index values of priorities array.

    def evaluateProposal(self,suitor):
        Evaluates a proposal, though does not enact it.

        suitor is the string identifier for the man who is proposing

        returns True if proposal should be accepted, False otherwise
        # if hubby is special and wife is not special, just say no!!
        if not self.amSpecial:
            for hubby in self.specHubbyArr :
                if suitor == hubby:
                    print" won't accept a special hubby "+suitor+" because wife not special"
                    return False

        #have to find if suitor has a better ranking than any of the currently held husbands.
        if len(self.husbandsArr) == self.husbands: #if husbandsArr full, see if suitor is a better match.
            count = 0
            for hubby in self.husbandsArr:#hubby is integer for priorities. Can use it to compare ranking. Lower # == better suitor
                if self.ranking[suitor] < hubby:
                    count += 1

            return count > 0

        #if husbandsArr not full, just say yes.
        return len(self.husbandsArr) < self.husbands

    def husbandsFull(self):
        return len(self.husbandsArr) == self.husbands

    def addHubby(self,hubbyName):

    def popHubby(self):
        #return name of popped hubby
        return self.priorities[self.husbandsArr.pop()]

def parseFile(filename):
    Returns a list of (name,priority) pairs.
    people = []
    f = file(filename)
    for line in f:
        pieces = line.split(':')
        name = pieces[0].strip()
        if name:
            priorities = pieces[1].strip().split(',')
            for i in range(len(priorities)):
                priorities[i] = priorities[i].strip()
    return people

def parseFile2(filename):
    Populates how many husbands one wife needs.
    Returns a list of (wife,numHusband) pairs.
    wives = []
    f = file(filename)
    for line in f:
        pieces = line.split(':')
        name = pieces[0].strip()
        if name:
            husbands = pieces[1].strip()
    return wives

def parseFile3(filename):
    #get the comma-delimited one line info of either special husbands and special wives

    f = file(filename)
    arr = f.readline().strip().split(',')
    return arr

def printPairings(men):
    for man in men.values():
        print,'is paired with',str(man.partner)

def printPairings2(menArr):
    newArr = []   
    for man in menArr:
        #print man[1].name.ljust(10,' '),str(man[1].partner),'\tno '+str(man[1].proposalIndex)+' in preference'
    newArr.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
    for man in newArr:
        print "Site: "+man[1].ljust(10,' ')+man[0].ljust(10,' ')+str(man[2])+" in preference"

def printPairings3(womenArr,men):
    newArr = []   
    for woman in womenArr:
        #print man[1].name.ljust(10,' '),str(man[1].partner),'\tno '+str(man[1].proposalIndex)+' in preference'
        partArr = []
        for hubby in woman[1].husbandsArr:
            partArr.append([woman[1].name,woman[1].priorities[hubby],hubby, men[woman[1].priorities[hubby]].proposalIndex])
        partArr.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])

    for woman in newArr:
        for hubby in woman:
            print "Site: "+hubby[0].ljust(10,' ')+hubby[1].ljust(10,' ')+str(hubby[2]+1).ljust(3,' ')+"in Site's preference, "+str(hubby[3])+" in Student's preference"

def dict2Arr(dictionary):
    dictlist = []
    for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
        temp = [key,value]
    return dictlist

if __name__=="__main__":
    verbose = len(sys.argv)>6
    # get a list of the special condition husbands that can only match to special wives. arg #5
    specHubbyArr = parseFile3(sys.argv[5])

    # get a list of special wives #4
    specWivesArr = parseFile3(sys.argv[4])

    # initialize dictionary of men
    menlist = parseFile(sys.argv[1])
    men = dict()
    for person in menlist:
        men[person[0]] = Man(person[0],person[1],specHubbyArr)
    unwedMen = men.keys()
    # initialize dictionary of women
    womenlist = parseFile(sys.argv[2])
    husbandReqs = parseFile2(sys.argv[3])
    dictOne = dict(womenlist)
    dictTwo = dict(husbandReqs)
    combined = dict()
    for name in set(dictOne.keys() + dictTwo.keys()):
    combined[name] = [dictOne.get(name,0), dictTwo.get(name,0)]
    combinedWomen = []
    for name in combined:
    combinedWomen.append([ name ] + combined[name])

    women = dict()
    for person in combinedWomen:
        women[person[0]] = Woman(person[0],person[1],person[2],specWivesArr,specHubbyArr)

    ############################### the real algorithm ##################################
    while unwedMen:
        m = men[unwedMen[0]]             # pick arbitrary unwed man
        w = women[m.nextProposal()]      # identify highest-rank woman to which
                                         #    m has not yet proposed
        if verbose:  print,'proposes to',

        if w.evaluateProposal( also that hubbyArr is full, and if so, gotta pop to make space.
            if verbose: print '  ',,'accepts the proposal'
            if w.husbandsFull():

                # last hubby in hubbyArr is dumped, as that is least suitable
                mOld = men[w.popHubby()]
                mOld.partner = None
        # then add the new man
        m.partner =
        #if not full, and a nice suitor, just add him to the pack

                m.partner =
            if verbose: print '  ',,'rejects the proposal'

        if verbose:
            print "Tentative Pairings are as follows:"
    menArr = dict2Arr(men)
    menArr.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    womenArr = dict2Arr(women)
    womenArr.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])

    # we should be done
    print "Final Pairings are as follows:"

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